Q. Does The CLASP have a website?
A. Yes. The CLASP website is www.theclasp.co.uk
Q. What is CLASP?
A. CLASP is a Competition League for Amateur Solo Pipers aged 18 years and above. CLASP is open to adult amateur pipers worldwide and offers both in-person and online competitions for its members.
Q. How do I start competing in CLASP?
A. The first thing you have to do is become a CLASP member via the CLASP website – ‘Join Now’ button on the home page. Once you become a member you will need to get a grading. Here is a link to information on the grading process. Once you have been graded you can ‘log in’ via the members area of the website and enter any competition that are on offer.
Q. How much is CLASP Membership?
A. Membership is £50 for a full year, but reduces throughout a calendar year depending on when you join:
Jan - 31st March - £50
1st April - 30th June -£40
1st July - 30th Sept - £30
1st OCT -31st Dec - £20
Q. Can I join CLASP at any time of the year?
A. Yes!
Q. How many CLASP leagues are there?
The CLASP is offering two leagues for 2022.
1. The CLASP League runs from August to July each year and includes both in-person and online competitions. League table points are allocated to members who place in the top 6 of a competition.
2. The CLASP ‘Online’ League runs from January to December for 2022 and includes 3 ‘live online’ competition dates. League table points are allocated to members who place in the top 6 of a ‘Live Online’ Competition
Each league winner receives a clasp!
Q. How much is a competition entry?
A. £7.50 per event
Q. What does a CLASP membership include?
A. Access to compete in two competition leagues- ‘Online League’ (includes 3 ‘Live online’ competitions) & ‘The CLASP League’ (Includes all in-person and Online events) You will also have access to a members only area on the CLASP website, from here you can enter upcoming competition, see past results and keep an eye on the league table. Access to attend ‘The CLASP in Conversation with….’ Talks, which are run bi-monthly exclusively for CLASP members only at a cost of £5 per talk.
Q. How do I know if I am an Amateur and eligible to compete in CLASP?
A. Please read the 8 rules in this link - https://theclasp.co.uk/rules-sanctioning/
General Grading Questions
Q.I have a grade from my North American Piping/Pipe Band Association, do I still need to audition for a CLASP grade?
A. You still need to become a CLASP and pay a membership fee but any pipers with a current grade in an American or Canadian organisation will usually be accepted. CLASP reserves the right to request a recording to ensure standards are aligned. If you require further help with this please email Margaret and Wilson email
Q. Will I be in the same grade for both Piobaireachd and light music?
A. When you submit your grading recording(s) you will be placed in the appropriate grade for each discipline. This decision is made only on the recordings submitted for grading and you may therefore be in a different grade for piobaireachd and light music.
Q. I have a CLASP grade but haven’t competed in CLASP for two years, do I need to submit another grading recording?
If you have not competed in CLASP for two years or more you will be required to submit for a grade, follow the instructions on the grading page.
General Tune Requirement Questions
Q. Which competitions need set tunes for Piobaireachd?
A. When the competition details are posted on the website, they will clearly state if you are required to enter set tunes or your own choice. To read the competitions exempt from Set tunes please click on this link https://theclasp.co.uk/set-tunes/#requirements
Q. Where do I find the set tunes?
A. The current set tunes can be found here along with the requirements for each grade. Be sure and select your tunes from the current set tune list.
Q. How many tunes must I submit for light music?
A. The competition entry form will indicate how many tunes you are required to submit. Here is a link to tune requirements https://theclasp.co.uk/set-tunes/#requirements
General Competing Questions
Q. Do I have to compete in both the Light Music and Piobaireachd events?
A. No. You can opt to play in only the light music or you can opt to play in Piobaireachd only.
Q. Do I have to enter all light music categories or can I choose?
You can enter any number of light music events you choose.
Q. For Grade 1 Light Music, do I submit my MSR as two sets or as individual tunes for the judge to select ?
A. In Grade 1, you will submit two Marches, two strathspeys and two reels. The judge will select the tunes to be played. The entry form will state clearly if this is to be judged as a March with separate Strathspey and reel or as a complete MSR.
Q. Will I get a crit sheet?
A. You will receive a crit sheet for all indoor and online competitions. Crit sheets are usually not issued at Highland Games, however some judges like to write sheets and these will be handed out after the competition.
Q. Do I have to wear a kilt for online competitions?
A. Yes. There is an acceptable dress standard which applies to both in-person and online competitions. This includes the wearing of a kilt/trews. Details can be found in the relevant section of the Rules
Q. I’ve never played piobaireachd before, how do I get started?
A. The best way to get started is to find a teacher. Once you are feeling confident you can request a grade and compete. Our grade 4/5 is perfect for less experienced Piobaireachd players, as the tune requirements are less demanding than the higher grades. As with any other grading, you will be placed in the grade appropriate to your standard.
Q. What do I do on the day of an in-person competition?
A. Plan to arrive in good time (you will probably have seen the draw before the competition day) Check in with the steward who will let you know how things are progressing and at the appropriate time, will show you where you can tune up. When it’s your turn to play a steward will come for you and take you to the room where you will perform. You will meet the judge, tune your pipes and away you go. You will play your piobaireachd in one visit and your light music in a separate visit.
Q. What happens on the day of an online competition?
A. In an online “live” event, tune into the platform in good time. We usually use Zoom but we will advise you in advance. At the appointed time for your performance, be ready to play. Don’t worry about finding your way around the Zoom platform, our stewards can move you to where you need to be. Once you have played you can leave or remain in the room and watch other competitors. There will be further instructions for online events which will be issued as required in the days leading to an online competition.
Q. When will I get my results?
A. At an in-person competition we will hold a short awards ceremony at the end of the competition day. Prizes, crit sheets and overall medals will be issued at that time.
For an online competition, the results are usually published 7-14 days via live video on The CLASP Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TheCLASP
and printed on Bagpipe News website. The date and time for the results can be found on The CLASP website (Event Info) and The CLASP Facebook page.
Q. I still have a question, who can I contact?
A. If we haven’t answered your question on the website or the FAQs please contact Margaret Dunn and Wilson Brown via email